Hi thur, I'm Mimiey Azra,16 and Malaysian too. This is not my journal or diary. This is just some random things I wanna share. I've nothing to describe myself, so you tell me,can ya? Poeber Elon ♥

Sunday, December 11

Up and down..

"If you would loved, love and be loveable" - @Benjamin Franklin

I'm having a hard time in my relationship. I know it's normal fighting with your partner/couple. I know, but I hate it. I hate it the most in a relationship. Sometimes, fighting can be the reason why we spilt up

So, we did spilt up. For like 30minutes? Hahaha. It's not funny but yeah.. I know this is kind of joke you can laugh at. At first, I just playing around, talking nonsense then suddenly I started to talk about his ex. No! I know it's not good to talk about it but I just playing around, make jokes of 'em then he started to get serious. Swear to god, I'm so speechless that time.

Me:Tak sayang I dah la tu.
Him: *talking to his friend*
Me: You, I nak break.
Him: Okey.

My heart just... He supposed to say sometimes like 'Apa you merepek ni?' or 'Jangan main-main'  but he just said "OKEY" so damn fucking fast wehhh! I'm shocked. Then, I said to him, I'm serious. Then he end up call.

I was crying as fuck. Seriously! I tweet about it. I tweet to @Waniey Razak too. Damn! My heart just can't feel anything anymore. I'm totally heartless that time. Sigh.. Drama much? But it's true. I texted him something. He replied,

'You yang nak sangat break. I nak buat macam mana lagi. Sape lah I ni dalam hidup you, I tak berguna, I tahu. I tahu u menyesal couple dengan I. I'm sorry sebab tak dapat jadi boyfriend yang you idamkan'-copypaste from my phone :)

Memang you bukan yang I idamkan,tapi you as my partner, just more than I ever need , I love you.
He called me, and we make up. No, there's no reason for me to leave him. No! I love him. InsyaAllah, I won't leave him. Faizal, just wanna you to know, that you're lucky to have me. You're lucky I picked you as my boyfriend. Just wanna you to know this..

P/s: Pardon me for my grammar mistake! 
Mimiey Azra, xx