Hi thur, I'm Mimiey Azra,16 and Malaysian too. This is not my journal or diary. This is just some random things I wanna share. I've nothing to describe myself, so you tell me,can ya? Poeber Elon ♥

Saturday, October 22

Back! Down?

Hello friends!
 I'm in a terrible situation. I just stop crying because of a small stupid thing, to you. But to me, it's HUGE! Since everybody likes to yell,iqnore and hate at me and I can't do nothings, it makes me felt liked a useless human slave. At least think about my feelings.

Cry everytime when I got a problems? You can says I'm so childish but when it's comes to you, you'll know how I felt now. That terrible feellings always hunted you. I need someone who can pays attention to me. Always cheer me up. I really really need 'that thing' A.S.A.P!

photo&editing by me

Same thing goes on twitter. I just knew that I got a lots of haters. Do this thing related due my attitude changes or what? I don't get it. She hate me with no reason. I officially don't know her well. All I can just says about her is "Dia sekolah Smk Dar,Dia 16,Kenal dia pun melalui Facebook.Dia follow my twitter so i follow her back." Thats all I know about her. Then she start to talk about Syuk. I think everybody knows that I used to be in love with him.USED TO BE but it ended a few last month. He IM on facebook sometimes and I just treat him like my 'brother'. Am I doing a wrong things to make friends?! She's tease me about Megan Fox and stuff. I adore Megan Fox, am I doing a wrong thing again? All I what to know is, Why she hates me. What  have done to her that make she so hate with me :(

##Saya tak mengungkit but,just the same question. Kenapa?I'm realy sorry if buat awak marah dengan saya. Saya betul betul minta maaf dekat awak. Dekat semua yang benci saya tak kesah sama ada dekat facebook atau twitter. Saya ikhlas. Saya harap awak ikhlas maafkan saya.I'm not perfect. Saya buat salah. Kalau saya salah lagi tegurlah saya. Jangan kutuk saya. Sebab saya memang tak sampai hati kalau bergaduh dengan orang yang saya langsung tak kenal. Awak ada cakap pasal ada senior school mate saya benci saya kan? Saya tak tahu, tapi dia mesti dah sebarkan something dekat awak kan?Boleh tak saya minta tolong jangan sebarkan aib saya? Boleh tak?Tak tahu nak cakap macam mana dah.

p/s: Sorry for my grammar mistake and I really sorry if I'm doing anything wrong to you :(

MmyZr xx