Hi thur, I'm Mimiey Azra,16 and Malaysian too. This is not my journal or diary. This is just some random things I wanna share. I've nothing to describe myself, so you tell me,can ya? Poeber Elon ♥

Friday, November 4

I'm okay now. Absolutely just fine.

Hi there. How's you guys now? Great isn't? All your exam dah over and tinggal SPM &STPM candidates je yang belum kan? Good Luck okay? Especially for SMK Hulu Kelang's candidates yo. Good Luck okay sissy and brothy. Okay sounds so weird...

Did I mention someone new in my life? Someone special now?No? Okay I should. His name is Faizal. Dia kaya, dia anak datuk, dia ada ferrari, dia ada fixie. Jap, tak tu tipu je. Dia normal. Idk much about him. That's crazy? Yeap I know. I'm not to busybody nak tanya pasal family. I lebih suka if dia yang terbuka nak cakap. Better right? I know him dah lama lah jugak. A few month ago, MAYBE.

The funny part is, I yang tegur dia dulu. Jap ada story dia ni.

At McD.

Dia baru tukar profile picture and I was like..." OMG FAIZAL??!!" Bukan dia yang I maksudkan but my late friend. I seriously ingat Faizal online. Al-Fatihah for him okey? Then I cakap kat dia profile picture dia muka ada mirip sikit arwah Faizal and I almost cry :( Sumpah sebak je dada :( Then after that dia ah yang tegur tegur then untillah oneday ni.

Dia mengaku dia suka I. How sweet was that? Then I pun single so? Terima jelah kan?What's the problem with that. 30.11.2011, Our anniversary :) So, if there's anything I'll update soon yeah? :)

ph&editng by me. Who care's? I do love this picture :)

p/s: Mimie, Jimy, Ayeman and siapa yang dah mengaku stalk aku tu. Yang asyik suruh update tu. Here you go. Dah update dah. Puas? :)
p/s: Follow me on twitter guys! @mimieyAzr

Mmy Azr xx