Hi thur, I'm Mimiey Azra,16 and Malaysian too. This is not my journal or diary. This is just some random things I wanna share. I've nothing to describe myself, so you tell me,can ya? Poeber Elon ♥

Wednesday, September 21

Total Slut

I can't blame you. You're just a total slut bitch. Seriously you should be a great stripper. He's not my boyfriend I repeat NOT MY BOYFRIEND! Itu pun tak faham lagi? Nak suruh cakap bahasa apa? Aku mengaku aku salah but for real, kau yang konon suci perlu ke nak perli aku? Past is past lah! Tak perlu pun kau nak perli aku. Menyampah lah!

Kalau kau solat tak pernah tinggal, semua orang suka kau, and semua kebaikan kau buat, tapi kau kutuk/hina/perli/merendahkan orang lain, rosaklah semua yang kau buat sebelum ni. Aku tak faham kenapa kau nak benci aku. Aku takda pape pun dengan budak tu. Aku dah lupa pasal dia 6 month ago. Please, aku harap Allah buka hati kau. Kau akan cakap aku lemah,YES AKU LEMAH. KAU BAWAK GENG KAU, AKU SORANG! MEMANG KAU MENANG TANPA AKU MULAKAN LANGKAH.Peoples says Hater gonna hate right? But I do prefer to have more lover ."You can't control what people going to say about you, but you can control the way you react with it. That's the trick." I hope this gonna make them shut their fuckin' mouth! -.- 

Mimiey'A xx