Hi thur, I'm Mimiey Azra,16 and Malaysian too. This is not my journal or diary. This is just some random things I wanna share. I've nothing to describe myself, so you tell me,can ya? Poeber Elon ♥

Thursday, September 15

Counting, and my heart skip a beat.

19 day left.
I'm struggle. I never gave up. Please, I hope I can do better. I cried a lot when it comes to education. My trial result suck. How 'bout my PMR? It's gonna be suck to? Butterflies in my stomach! Guess what? I MC today because of FEVER. I coughed a lot. I eat a lot of pills. And sleep. What can I says, I EAT AND SLEEP FOR THE WHOLE DAY!

Pray for me? Please? Only Allah s.w.t can repay you deeds. If I can't get 8A' ,6A and no C would means so much to me. and I hope for my Maths, my weakness subject I got B. Hopefully. I did'nt got D. No doubt. I'm not ashamed to admit that! I got 47% how suck was that?! I almost cried the day I got my Maths Trial result. Hmmm . .
When you forget something read,
 Ya Allahu Ya Allahu Ya Allahu Ya Allah, Ya mu'id Ya mu'id Ya mu'id, Allah humma zakkarni maa nasitu bizikri, Ya Allah
Means, Wahai Allah, Wahai Allah, Wahai Allah, kembalikanlah sesuatu ingatan/hafalan,Wahai Allah, peringatkanlah kepada hamba apa yang hamba terlupa dengan sebab menyebut Engkau Ya Allah!

When you felt so hard to answer question read,
Allah hummaa laa sahla illa maa ja'aal natu sahlan, wa antaa taj aa' lul haz na iza tisy taa salla.
Means, Wahai Allah tiadalah kemudahan itu melainkan apa yang Engkau jadikan mudah,Sedang Engkau memang boleh menjadikan yang sukar  itu mudah bila Engkau kehendaki.

After you felt calm and relex and the magic things is, after you can do your Exam you have to says, Alhamdulillah :)

Mimiey Azra, xx