Hi thur, I'm Mimiey Azra,16 and Malaysian too. This is not my journal or diary. This is just some random things I wanna share. I've nothing to describe myself, so you tell me,can ya? Poeber Elon ♥

Wednesday, January 4

First Emotional Breakdown for 2012..

"Ya Allah, You Gotta Be Kidding ME! :O"

First time dapat result, terkejut.. Siapa sangka orang yang tak study boleh dapat 4A! This is beyond my expectation tahu tak? Yes, if you wanna know, I got 4A 3B and 1C.. I got C for my maths. I think everyone already know about this. "Saya pelik lah dengan awak ni, science boleh dapat A, maths C pulak.. Kenapa ni?" Cikgu, maafkan saya. Saya berusaha sehabis baik untuk subject math. Tapi, saya memang dah dilahirkan bodoh maths, maybe..

Today, first day of school right? Swear to God. When the moment Pn Ramlah didn't say my name for Science Stream's student, I'm falling to pieces.. Hati berkecai gila. But Alhamdulillah, I can control myself. What makes me so miserable is when budak lelaki yang dapat 2A and Science C for PMR masuk class science.. Unfair. SERIOUSLY UNFAIR.

Next, I am okey with Vokasional Teknik Class. Ada add maths, ekonomi asas and akaun. Boleh jadi akauntan. Wait! I nak law. Boleh ke jadi lawyer semua tu dengan VT? :/

Do me a favour? Pray for me. I don't know whats the best for me.. and I'm afraid of telling people about this since my family berharap I masuk sciences class, meanwhile, I already know that I broke thier heart.. I'm sorry...

InsyaAllah, with Fatin in 2012 4VT Class, I'll be fine. I love her. Fatin knows a lot about me. We have same problems sometimes. Swear to god, she know me. I wish all my friend was just like her. Understanding and be thre for me. Jangan jadi maca biscuit, kejap ada kejap takda. No offence but I hate being 'dipergunakan'. Kawan, I'm sorry if kau terasa but please, I'm not that stupid. I have feelings too. Jangan pergunakan aku.

Btw, I'll miss my only one Indian friend, Thava Kumarisha. Babe, please take care of your self.Bukit Jalil is your place. Go and kick some ass babe!!! Gonna miss your craziness, your stupidness (in a good way) and your kindness for being my friend since Form 1. Thank you so much!! We'll meet again after this. Wanna hang out babe? Call me! n.nY

Last but not least, Happy Birthday to My Mom! Mama I love you, seriously I do. Thank you for everything. I'm sorry if I ever let you down. One thing I want from you, keep praying for my life. Be proud of me for me, oneday. Happy 47th Birthday Mama, i love you 

MimieyA   , 