Hi thur, I'm Mimiey Azra,16 and Malaysian too. This is not my journal or diary. This is just some random things I wanna share. I've nothing to describe myself, so you tell me,can ya? Poeber Elon ♥

Sunday, March 18

In your face, please.

To be honest, 
I'm lack of rest. I'm tired of everything. Can I just kill myself? :'(

Tahu tak penat buat semua ni?
Tahu tak betapa peritnya aku menahan semua ni,selama ni?
Tahu tak,aku dah gave up?
Tahu tak, aku rasa macam nak explode?
Tahu tak apa yang aku rasa ni hanyalah apa yg aku rasa dan orang lain tak pernah tahu?
Yes. Non of you know about this.

Nampak aku gembira ditanya kenapa aku kata aku hanya gembira? Jujur, aku bohong.
Nampak aku tersenyum, ketawa, riang? Jujur, aku pura-pura
Nampak aku tweet benda sedih dekat twitter, ditanya kenapa aku kata aku okey? Jujur,aku sembunyikan sesuatu.

Yes, selama ni aku sembunyikan semua ni. Perit dan pedihnya aku simpan sendiri. Aku lebih selesa mcam ni. Kalau aku ceritakan sekalipun, ada yg mengambil berat? Ada yg akan bersama aku ketika aku perlukan dia? Tidak. Aku sudah terbiasa macam ni. Nak buat macam mana.Semua ni ketentuan Illahi. Aku hanya berserah. 
Dengan diri aku yang semakin hari semakin teruk. Pelajaran terumbang-ambing. Sampai bila aku nak macam ni.

Rasa macam nak drop itu ini, dengan Fatin nak pindah lagi ingat aku kuat nak stay dekat sekolah tu? Dah la semua depan je baik belakang bukan main lagi kutuk itu,ini. Seriously, if tak puas hati or maybe I did something wrong just tell me. Aku minta maaf dan cuba tebus kesalahan aku tu. Ni kau spread rumors, lepastu kecoh dekat semua. Amboi indahnya hidup kau.
Serious talk here, I'm not seeking for attention or fishing for compliment and stuff. I'm just tired of people nowdays. They're such a fake.Even they're worse than barbie. I'm not trying to say that I'm kind and stuff but I don't do bad things, like you. Bahasa melayu mudah, TALAM DUA MUKA. Kita buat baik but people always trying to find our mistakes and then take advantages of that and bash, troll and stuff. Aren't you? Boys& girls? tired of doing that? Best ke buat semua tu? Apa awak dapat? Cukuplah dosa sendiri nak tanggung. Jangan lah gatal sangat pergi spread rumors about others. If other beliave it, then you berdosa besar. See? No, I'm not here to talk about dosa and stuff because I know I'm not good in this. 
But, my point is, stop talking bad about others.
"Kain sendiri terkoyak sana sini, ada hati nak jaga tepi kain orang" - Mama
Agreed with those statement. Why do you have to care about others problems when you have your own big problems? Omg.. You're so kind . MAYBE!
because of people like this, I lost my trust towards people. I used to believe in people because my mom teach me that nice people always being nice to us. But mama, I grew up. yes, I know there's mean people out there. Dear meanies, why you so mean? Why on earth you have to be mean? :/ I guessed I made a mistake for trusting you.. Urgh.

I hate this feeling called 'INSECURE' I know that I'm good enough but people around me just be so mean and trying to make me feels like I'm suck, loser and more.

Yes. Absolutely :-)
Mimiey Azra x